Zaborowski, Marek2024-05-132024-05-132010Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne, 2010, T. 29, cz. 2, s. 83-104.0239-4472 foregoing article presents the evolution of the rules of law concerning the impediment of blood kinship. On the basis of the analysis one can observe that the Church in ancient times followed the rules of Mosaic and Roman Law. The first traces of marriage impediments, included the impediment of blood kinship, can be found in Synod of Rome in 721. It was a particular law, however, not a common one. In the course of the next centuries a great evolution of the blood kinship impediment has taken place. It can be characterized by two basic elements. The first one is the tendency of the Church to broaden the impediment in general. The second one is a variety of laws regulating the impediment depending on a territory. On the basis of the foregoing elaboration one can see that the number of impediments were limited or eliminated only when the Canon Law of Benedict XV was completed.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland pokrewieństwapokrewieństwopokrewieństwo w linii bocznejpokrewieństwo w linii prostejpowinowactwokrewstarożytnośćchrześcijaństwośredniowieczeDekret GracjanaKodeks Prawa KanonicznegoKodeks Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 rokuKodeks Prawa Kanonicznego z 1917 rokusobór watykański IIsobórKodeks Prawa Kanonicznego Jana Pawła IIwczesne chrześcijaństwoimpediment of kinshipconsanguinitycollateral consanguinitylineal consanguinityaffinitybloodantiquityChristianityMiddle AgesCode of Canon LawVatican IIcouncilSecond Vatican Councilearly ChristianityJohn Paul IIKarol WojtyłaJan Paweł IIpapieżepopesprawolawprawo kanonicznecanon lawrozwój prawnyrozwój historycznylegal developmenthistorical developmenthistoriahistorykrewnirelativesPrzeszkoda pokrewieństwa w rozwoju prawno-historycznymThe Impediment of Kinship in Its Legal and Historical DevelopmentArticle