Soiński, Borys Jacek2023-11-092023-11-092005Roczniki Teologiczne, 2005, T. 52, z. 5, s. 143-164.1233-1457łumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Borys Jacek Soiński OFM.In this article the author analyses the formation of psychological perspective and briefly presents the theories of psychological needs. He refers to the theory of needs of H.A. Murray and the theory of the Christian vocation of L.M. Rulla SJ called also “Theory of the consistency self-transcendence Theoceiitric of love” He presents the results of own empirical studies of the psychological needs of Franciscan seminarists and their awareness of the change. In order to explore the psychological needs the author uses The Adjective Check list of H.B. Gough and A.B Heilbrun. His study includes 108 brothers form the Orders of Friars Minor from Poland (51 brothers after the novitiate, and 57 brothers after the solemn profession). The research indicates that the brothers after the novitiate have stronger feeling of change of the needs during the initial formation, in comparison to those who have been after the solemn profession, and who have feelings that their needs are more stable. Also the ACL test of H.B. Gough and A.B. Heilbrun called “The average linkage within groups method” is used to analyse the concentration of the scale of needs. The research does not show any important differences between two groups of brothers, but there are some differences between the brothers, and other polish students. Both groups have aspirations for achievements as well as socials aspirations, but brothers have stronger and higher objectives for submission, when the students have higher aspirations for development and rivalry. The hypothesis is created, that the vocational life in the Order of Friars Minor is chosen by particular young people whose personality is disposed to be a minor and humble as person.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandśćpotrzebyzmiany osobowościpowołanie zakonneduchowość franciszkańskaformacjaformacja ludzkaformacja początkowapowołaniefranciszkanieżycie zakonnealumnipsychologiapotrzeby psychologicznepsychikapersonalityneedschanges of personalitymonastic vocationFranciscan spiritualityformationhuman formationinitial formationvocationFranciscan Brothersmonastic lifepsychologypsychological needspsychezakonyordersPotrzeby psychiczne u alumnów franciszkańskichThe Psychological Needs of the Franciscans SeminaristsArticle