Guzowski, Krzysztof2023-07-182023-07-182001Roczniki Teologiczne, 2001, T. 48, z. 2, s. 133-146.1233-1457 tłumaczenia streszczenia: Jan Kłos.The fact that the priesthood is still valid cannot be shown only from the point of view of sociological analyses. The author reveals the theological “topicality” of the priesthood in the pneumatological perspective. Consequently, the grace of vocation and the grace of the sacrament of the priesthood are shown in a continual line as incessant calling, and as reviving the work and the Person of the Saviour through the persons who are called. Owing to the historical method, the sacrament of the priesthood is no longer viewed as something static or individual: vocation and the sacrament are placed within vocation and breath, which Christ gave to the whole Church. The holy Spirit ensures that the Church will not be put at a standstill in the formalism of repeated liturgical gestures, but it will always live with the same charisms which revived the first post-Paschal fellowship. The author reminds us that the priesthood has a prophetic and eschatological character towards history and culture, for it does not so much updates the past as it makes present the future: God comes to us from the future. The nature of the charismatic Church is not in contradiction to its hierarchical nature; the offices in the theology of the apostles also bear a charismatic character. The point is that both critics and advocates too often make use of psychological-legal rhetoric. What we need is appropriate hermeneutics in ecclesiology and sacramentology. Such that can be created by means of pneumatology and personalistic assumptions.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandłaniekapłaniduchowieństwokapłaństwokapłaństwo profetyczneDuch Świętypersonalizmteologiasakramentyprophetismvocationclergypriesthoodprophetic priesthoodHoly SpiritpersonalismtheologysacramentsDuch Święty w „profetycznym” sakramencie kapłaństwaThe Holy Spirit in the “Prophetic” Sacrament of the PriesthoodArticle