Kiszkowski, Przemysław2025-01-282025-01-282007Studia Gdańskie, 2007, T. 20, s. 355-359.0137-4341 research group, headed by Prof. Henryk Szydłowski of the Institute of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University, conducted in the years of 1974-1984 studies of the phenomenon of dowsing. The author of the paper, who was a member of the above group, analyzed results of the studies from theoretical and experimental points of view. Conclusions drawn on the grounds of the results are as follows: – The idea of so-called “water veins”, the existence of which is believed by dowsers, is contradictory to basic data on the geological structure of earth’s crust. – Properties of the radiation, as described by dowsers who claim to detect it, are irreconcilable with physics of wave propagation. – Dowsing is an antiscientific idea. The ideology of dowsing is also antichristian.plCC-BY-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Bez utworów zależnychradiestezjabadanianaukanauki ścisłefizykapromieniowanie elektromagnetyczneróżdżkarstwowahadlarstwozagrożenieradiesthesiaresearchstudysciencephysicselectromagnetic radiationwater diviningdangerRadiestezja – uwagi wierzącego fizykaRadiesthetics according to a Physicist-BelieverArticle