Zielińska, Magdalena2023-12-132023-12-132006Roczniki Teologiczne, 2006, T. 53, z. 10, s. 135-149.1233-1457http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/12010Tłumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Małgorzata Kojło.Family is the basic and natural environment of human life. Every human being is naturally born in there. One can say that the family is the first, the most important, the only and irreplacable environment in e.g. fulfilling its care and educational function. The family has an impact not only on child's health, but also on passing on knowledge, values and culture. It prepares its members to be independent and through social care introduces them to take part in a social life. It teaches already established patterns of behaviour and social rules. The family's right to educate and look after/care is the first and the earliest natural law. Other institutions are second-rate, they should help the family but never replace it. This article aims to point at two most important functions of the family: education and care. It proves that those two functions cannot exist without each other. Specific educational aims can be realised only on the basis of care. The article shows how the care within the family should be undertaken so that it could help achieve aims within different areas of education, such as physical education, education through work, moral education, intelectual education, health education. The author analysing educational and psychological literature talks about “care and education process” in which care effects overtake and determine educational effects. A carer is also an educator, therefore care within the family should be undertaken properly as it causes great consequences in a development of human's personality.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/nauki o rodziniefunkcja opiekuńczafunkcja wychowawczaopiekafunkcja opiekuńczo-wychowawczaopieka w rodziniepotrzeby ponadpodmiotowerodzinawychowaniewychowanie moralnewychowanie fizycznewychowanie intelektualnewychowanie przez pracęwychowanie religijnewychowanie zdrowotnefamily studiescaring functioneducational functioncarecare and educations functioncare within a familyhigher personal needsfamilyupbringingmoral upbringingmoral educationphysical educationeducation through workintellectual educationintellectual upbringingreligious educationreligious upbringinghealth educationedukacja religijnaZwiązek opieki z wychowaniem w rodzinieCare and Upbringing Within the Family EnvironmentArticle