Leśniak, Bartłomiej2023-08-292023-08-292013Roczniki Teologii Fundamentalnej i Religiologii, 2013, T. 5 (60), s. 229-242.2080-8534http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/10229This article sheds some light on the heralds of death existing in the beliefs of residents of Włodawa. The given publication derives from ethnographic surveys carried out in the area of the city and its surroundings. The whole article is divided into three sections. The first paragraph describes omens originating from nature. The behaviours of the livestock, such as dogs or horses, bear significant meaning for interviewees. Moreover, not only the domesticated animals signalize approaching death, we can also observe that in the behaviours of wild animals. The next section describes signs which appear among inanimate objects as well as unfamiliar occurrences, which take place in the proximity of deceased person. Here are illustrated all superstitious practices such as cracking of objects, inexplicable knocking or other phenomena beyond comprehension. Heralds of death according to the respondents are, among others: atypical events which are related to the corpse of the deceased and its area. Inhabitants of Włodawa recognize those as extremely dangerous.The third part lists other signs, which exist in the studied area. A very important part of this passage constitute dreams commonly interpreted as omens.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/zwiastuny śmierciomenśmierćzabobonypobożność ludowatradycja ludowaetnograficzne badania terenoweWłodawaetnografiakultura ludowabadaniaznaki wróżebneprzyrodanaturawierzenia ludowezwyczaje ludowedusze zmarłychzmarliobrzędy pogrzeboweheralds of deathdeathsuperstitionspopular pietyfolk traditionethnographic fieldworkethnographyfolk cultureresearchdivination signsnaturepopular beliefsfolk customssouls of the deaddeadfuneral ritespobożnośćtradycjapietytraditionkulturacultureZwiastuny śmierci w tradycji ludowej mieszkańców WłodawyHeralds of Death in the Folk Tradition of Residents of WłodawaArticle