Szczepaniec, Stanisław2023-07-262023-07-262001Roczniki Teologiczne, 2001, T. 48, z. 8, s. 113-137.1233-1457 tłumaczenia streszczenia: Jan Kłos.The ministry of the lay people in the Liturgy is doctrinally well-motivated and has practical theological-ecclesial references in the post-conciliar kerygma. The issue, however, needs to be supplemented and explained in reference to the practice of the liturgical life. The paper draws on the third chapter of the General Introduction to the Roman Missal which says about the tasks and functions fulfilled by the laity during the Holy Mass. The lay liturgical ministries are sings in which man’s vocation is hidden and at the same time revealed. The first part of the paper shows both the usual and the particular kinds of liturgical ministries fulfilled by the faithful laity. The second part outlines the perspective in which to grow in liturgical ministry along with the discovering of Christian vocation. The third part points to the criteria by which ministries are divided in the liturgical congregation. These are the ministries which stem from the received sacrament (priesthood or marriage), religious consecration, or special authorization to the ministry.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 PolandługaświeccylaikatliturgialiturgikateologiaKościółkapłaństwopowołaniesakramentyservicelaypeoplelaityliturgicstheologyChurchpriesthoodvocationsacramentsposługa świeckichministry of the laityliturgyPosługiwanie świeckich w liturgii. Zasady ogólneThe lay Ministries in the Liturgy. General PrinciplesArticle