Parzyszek, Czesław2024-08-262024-08-262013Communio, 2013, R. 33, nr 1 (181), s. 146-160.0208-7995 future of humanity, as John Paul II wrote, goes by the family (FC 84). The article refers above all to the rich teaching of the Church on marriage and family. Also shows the path of spiritual development family indicated by Pope John Paul II and Benedict XVI during the World Meeting of Families (1994-2012). Author discusses at some length the family’s spiritual growth through evangelism. The family is evangelizing community. The family must go beyond the threshold of the family home with the testimony of the gospel values, in spite of the many difficulties encountered.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Polandólnotacommunityrozwój duchowyspiritual developmentKościółChurchŚwiatowe Spotkania RodzinWorld Meeting of FamiliesewangelizacjaevangelizationDrogi rozwoju duchowego w rodzinieArticle