Wilk, Józef2023-03-272023-03-271995Roczniki Teologiczne, 1995, T. 42, z. 6, s. 123-134.0035-7723http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/5514Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Jan Kłos.Salesians have joined the post-Conciliar attempts to find some effective ways of the formation of adolescents. They are obliged to this participation in the charisma of their Founder, St John Bosco, whom John Paul II honoured by an unprecedented title "Father and Teacher of the Young People". The paper constitutes a synthetic presentation of the fruits of a pedagogic reflection of the whole Congregation, whose climax was 23 General Chapter and its document entitled "Adolescents’ Formation to Faith - Contemporary Tasks and a Challenge for the Salesian Fellowship". The document contains the complete formative programme bearing by the following characteristics: 1. Faithfulness to adolescents obliges to come closer to young people and get to know their real needs and threats; 2. Faithfulness to heritage denotes a creative interpretation of the thoughts of Fr Bosco who based the whole of formation on the well-known trinomial: love, religion and reason. 3. Competence which results from taking into account the Church’s doctrine and pedagogic sciences. 4. Integrity expressed in the global proposal of the so-called Salesian youth spirituality, a very specific way of the personal development of the young man.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/posługawychowaniesalezjaniemłodzieżwspółczesnośćwiaramiłośćrozumreligiachrześcijaństwoduszpasterstwowiernośćKościółMagisterium KościołaserviceupbringingSalesiansyouthpresentfaithmindreligionChristianityministryfidelityChurchposługa wychowawczaeducational ministrylovePosługa wychowawcza salezjanów wobec współczesnej młodzieży (w świetle uchwał 23 Kapituły Generalnej)The formative ministry of salesians towards contemporary adolescents (in the light of KG23 resolutions)Article