Drygier, Mariusz2024-08-052024-08-052014Studia Teologiczno-Historyczne Śląska Opolskiego, 2014, T. 34, s. 21-32.0137-34202391-937Xhttp://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/19304John Chrysostom, the author of The Homilies on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans, polemicizes against the Jewish conception of justification. He criticizes both its superficiality and deceitfulness, as well as the blindness and pride of its followers. He has proven that all people are equal before God and no one could boast about their own merits. Everyone has sinned against the Creator. The preacher from Antioch disapproved of the conviction that Abraham’s justification had resulted from his own obedience to the Law and the circumcision. He teaches that justification was actually the main goal of the Law. Nevertheless, it is unattainable without faith. Abraham had been justified by faith before he took the sign of the circumcision. The bishop of Constantinople does not accept the belief that justification by Law is greater than justification by faith. According to Chrysostom, faith brings justification which people can not achieve by theirs deeds. This was a teaching of St. Paul, too. The theology of the Apostle of the Nations in regard to justification has made Christianity an universal religion which can unite nations.plAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/pl/prawowiarausprawiedliwienieusprawiedliwienie człowiekaHomilie na List św. Pawła do RzymianhomiliakazaniaJan Chryzostomdoktorzy Kościołaojcowie Kościołapatrystykapatrologiaegzegezaegzegeza patrystycznateologiaList do Rzymianlisty św. PawłaNowy TestamentBibliaPismo Świętelawfaithjustificationjustification of manHomilies on the Epistle of St. Paul to the RomanshomilysermonsJohn ChrysostomDoctors of the ChurchChurch Fatherspatristicspatrologyexegesispatristic exegesistheologyLetter to the Romansletters of Saint PaulNew TestamentBiblepolemikapolemicsPrawo i wiara a usprawiedliwienie człowieka w świetle „Homilii na List św. Pawła do Rzymian” Jana ChryzostomaLaw and faith towards human justification according to ‟The Homilies on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans” of John ChrysostomArticle