Związek, Jan2023-02-062023-02-062015Veritati et Caritati, 2015, T. 4, s. 305-332.2354-0311 first bishop of diocese of Częstochowa, dr Teodor Kubina organised in 1926-1951 from scratch new-established diocese. The results of his work were the determining directions of pastoral action and establishing new diocesan institutions. He was the author of numerous treatises on current religious-social problems, mainly on the matter of workers and Catholic Action. The special place in his action was taken by the Shrine of Our Lady on Jasna Góra. As the representative of Polish Episcopal Conference and The Polish Government he took parts in international Eucharistic congresses and visited Polonia. He took care of seasonal workers from diocese of Częstochowa. Kubina encouraged both seasonal workers and emigrants to the faithfulness to the Catholic faith and Polish national traditions. The most important his task was the providing of proper care for the faithful in the diocese. Here the significant role played the pastoral letters directed both to the priests and the faithful. He released 73 pastoral letters including appeals, speeches and proclamations. The bishop called on the diocese residents on religious eagerness, faithfulness to the Catholic Church and national traditions. During the German occupation the bishop directed pastoral letters to divided by Germans diocese of Częstochowa and in this way organized the religious life in all diocese and managed it. There are religious matters against a background of social life of diocese residents presented in his pastoral letters. Because of this fact, they are valuable historical source in conducting the research on the history of diocese in the time of bishop Teodor Kubina’s activity.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 PolandłaniduchowieństwoTeodor Kubinadiecezjediecezja częstochowskaKościółlisty pasterskiebishopsclergypriesthooddiocesesdiocese of CzęstochowaChurchpastoral lettersPolskaPolandListy pasterskie pierwszego biskupa częstochowskiego dr. Teodora KubinyPastoral Letters of dr. Teodor Kubina the First Bishop of Częstochowa DioceseArticle