Gawlik, MagdalenaMarczewski, Marek2023-06-292023-06-291999Roczniki Teologiczne, 1999, T. 46, z. 8, s. 197-217.1233-1457 tłumaczenia streszczenia: Tadeusz Karłowicz.Following the example of other Churches the Second Polish Plenary Council introduces in Poland the institution of permanent deaconship. The article presents the issue on the basis of the Directory on the service and life o f permanent deacons, referring to the practices accepted in various Churches. The scope of the deacon’s services may be broadened by adding new forms of service to the Church that are determined by the conditions prevailing in the local community.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandługadiakonidiakonat stałydiakoni stalidiakonatformacjaduchowośćduchowość diakona stałegoliturgiaservicedeaconsdeaconrypermanent diaconatepermanent deaconsformationspiritualityspirituality of the permanent deaconliturgytheologyteologiadiaconateDyrektorium o posłudze i życiu diakonów stałychThe directory on the service and life of permanent deaconsArticle