Rusecki, MarianSalamon, Dariusz2023-08-222023-08-222009Roczniki Teologii Fundamentalnej i Religiologii, 2009, T. 1 (56), s. 5-27.2080-8534 aim of his article was to show the meaning of the Christian Tradition in the Transfer of Divine Revelation. Due to it the Revelation is transferred into history. The Tradition is means for it. The Transfer of the Revelation in tradition is performed with reference to work and God’s words. As said, that each supernatural Revelation is realized in the form of God’s action, which accompanies word. As a form of Revelation this God’s action in a way exists in the Church transferring and realizing it. The Tradition does not reveal new contents, does not add something to the Divine Revelation, but it makes public and makes present, what has been revealed in Christ practice. This way, The Divine Revelation is present in the Tradition.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland Objawieniaprzekazywanie TradycjiapostolstwoapostolatmisjesłowoKościółprzekazhistoria Kościołasztuka sakralnatraditionApostolic TraditionPost-Apostolic Traditionrevelationmessage of RevelationCommunication of the TraditionapostolatemissionswordChurchmessageChurch historysacred arttradycja apostolskatradycja poapostolskahistoriahistoryTradycja w funkcji przekazu objawieniaTradition in Function of Transfer of RevelationArticle