Drews, Krzysztof2025-02-042025-02-042009Studia Gdańskie, 2009, T. 25, s. 35-49.0137-4341https://theo-logos.pl/handle/123456789/27237One of the important tasks in the Church is the office of Bishop. Office, which is a service, which ranks first among the various ministries in Church. This article is devoted to this subject based on the teachings of Second Vatican Council and the post – concilior, Church documents, and particularly the teaching of Pope John Paul II as well as Pope Benedict XVI. This reflection makes it possible to observe newly what a great gift for the Church is a ministry of the Bishop who fulfills three main functions: teaching, sanctifying and governing. Observing the mind of the Church teaching gives us a picture of the bishop. Who has to be, in the Church, primarily a good Shepherd, and always on the model of the Good Shepherd – Jesus Christ.plCC-BY-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Bez utworów zależnychKościółkapłaniduchowieństwobiskupiposługasłużbaposługa biskupiaurząd biskupaKościół partykularnydiecezjeChurchpriesthoodclergybishopsministryserviceepiscopal ministryepiscopal officeparticular ChurchdiocesesPosługa biskupa we współczesnym KościeleBishop’s Ministry in the Church in Present DayArticle