Cichosz, WojciechPankowska-Siedlik, Elżbieta2025-02-032025-02-032009Studia Gdańskie, 2009, T. 24, s. 119-138.0137-4341 man not only thinks in pictures and visual presentations, but also expects a graphical perspective in almost every field of his life. Thus, without any reservations, an icon may be placed in the new, emerging cultural and educational context. The message which is presented in the Bible in words is painted in colours in an icon. An icon, on the one hand, conveys the history of important topics of faith (diachronic methodological postulate), and on the other, points to the constant and sempiternal teaching of the Magisterium Ecclesiae by presenting and justifying a contemporary look to basic, and at the same time, difficult articles of the faith. By means of visual images and especially through colours and their symbolism, the icon “The Holy Trinity” by Andriej Rublow encourages us to engage in spiritual contemplation, prayerful meditation and also invites us to commune and unite with God in the Holy Trinity. The colours used here reflect the rainbow and they have symbolic meaning commonly employed by icon painters. Also the depicted characters, their apparel, gestures and situation symbolize profound theological content. Each and every element has the task of conveying essential religious messages. The end result is much closer contact with God in the Holy Trinity and following this unity through love of other people. The atmosphere of prayer prevailing during the process of writing an icon creates favourable conditions for creating a painting replete with profound religious content. The fundamental message of the icon “The Holy Trinity” is to reveal the love of God in the Holy Trinity. It forestalls man and comes out to meet him. The scene depicted in Rublow’s icon invites the viewer to take part in the constant dialogue taking place between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Its atmosphere creates a desire to live in the mystery of the Holy Trinity and in close communion with the Almighty. Furthermore, it reveals that every man must exist in community, both the earthly one (with others) and the eternal one (with God).plCC-BY-NC - Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjneikonaobrazobrazypedagogia ikonyAndriej Rublowikonografiateologia ikonyikona Trójcy ŚwiętejTrójca Świętaprzekaz katechetycznykatechezarola ikonyiconimagepaintingspedagogy of the iconAndrei Rubleviconographytheology of the iconicon of the Holy TrinityHoly Trinitycatechetical messagecatechesisrole of the iconTeologiczna pedagogia ikony na przykładzie „Trójcy Świętej” Andrieja RublowaTheological Pedagogy of the Icon on the Example of “The Holy Trinity” by Andriej RublovArticle