Rusecki, Marian2024-01-232024-01-232007Roczniki Teologiczne, 2007, T. 54, z. 6, s. 317-334.1233-1457łumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Jan Kłos.The paper discusses the issue of the historicity of Jesus’ miracles. In the contemporary (lay, Protestant, also some Catholic) thinking Jesus’ miracles are questioned either in general, or some of them. Meanwhile, in the Divine Revelation they fulfil important functions, not only motivational. In the light of literature the author showed three groups of criteria which weigh in favour of their historicity. They are as follows: 1. historical criteria for the authenticity of Jesus’ miracles (in this group we have discussed: criterion of multiple confirmation, criterion of conformity between Jesus’ miracles and the Palestine milieu, criterion of non-continuity and non-conformity, criterion of necessary explanation); 2. literary-historical criteria (here the following: criterion of internal comprehension, narration and criterion of conformity to the essence and difference of details); 3. criteria of theological conformity (criterion of conformity between Jesus’ miracles and the main ideas of the salvific message, and criterion of conformity between Jesus’ words and deeds). The author came to a conclusion that all the groups of criteria should be taken together. Then they provide a greater certainty as the historical character of Jesus’ miracles. As a whole, they are a save foundation for theological research.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland historycznościkryteria historyczności cudówkryteria historyczności cudów Jezusawiarygodnośćcudacuda Jezusaznakorędzieorędzie JezusateologiahistorycznośćJezus Chrystuscriterioncriteria of historicitycriteria of historicity of miraclescriteria of historicity of Jesus' miraclescredibilitymiraclesJesus' miraclessignmessageJesus’ messagetheologyhistoricityJesus Christhistoryczności cudówhistoricity of miraclesKryteria historyczności cudów JezusaCriteria for the Historicity of Jesus’ MiraclesArticle