Muchowski, Piotr2023-05-082023-05-082009Scripta Biblica et Orientalia, 2009, T. 1, s. 201-213.978-83-7363-962-1 author describes the texts of Qumran that include community prayers. According to the approved classification, there are three groups of texts to be distinguished: 1) daily prayers and prayers concerned with festivals, 2) prayers concerned with Essenic ceremonies and hymns, 3) exorcisms. In the Conclusions, the author considers a number of research issues connected with the texts. These are mainly whether it is possible to reconstruct the liturgical rite of Essenes. The author further comments with distinctive features of these prayers and their relationship with the later rabbinic prayers.plAttribution 3.0 Polandński ryt liturgicznyliturgialiturgia esseńskaQumranzwoje znad Morza Martwegorękopisy z QumranmanuskryptyrękopisypsalmymodlitwawspólnotaEssene liturgical riteliturgyEssene liturgyDead Sea ScrollsmanuscriptspsalmsprayercommunityEsseński ryt liturgiczny: modlitwy społecznościLiturgical Rite of Essenes: Prayers of the CommunityArticle