Idzik, Grzegorz2025-02-132025-02-132011Liturgia Sacra, 2011, R. 17, nr 1 (37), s. 53-66.1234-4214 this article I attempted to propose an interpretation of the Holy Lamb figure as presented in Liturgy of the Hours hymns (Polish edition). Focusing on this particular basic Christological title, I intended to address inquiries concerning the iconographie types of Christ – a Holy Lamb – as exposed in 28 hymns of the liturgical book analyzed below. The conducted analysis and deciphering the symbolical and iconographie content reveals that the Holy Lamb was pictured in 3 theological variants. In six hymns Christ is symbolized by Paschal Lamb, in ten – He appears as the Holy Lamb possessing the features of the Suffering Servant of Yahweh, in twelve hymns – as an icon of apocalyptical Lamb. The study presented below is the first approach to the topic of the Holy Lamb in Liturgy of the Hours and obviously – does not cover all its aspects. The sheer theological and liturgical riches present in the Church hymns prompted the author to select this topic, which hopefully will be extensively explored and revealed in subsequent research.plCC-BY-NC-SA - Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Na tych samych warunkachteologiatheologyliturgikaliturgicsliturgialiturgyLiturgia GodzinLiturgy of the HourssymbolsymbolikaimageryBaranek BożyLamb of Godhymnyhymnshymny Liturgii GodzinLiturgy of the Hours hymnsSymbolika Baranka Bożego w hymnach Liturgii GodzinInterpretation of the Holy Lamb figure in Liturgy of the Hours hymns (Polish edition)Article