Witczyk, Henryk2023-09-112023-09-112003Roczniki Teologiczne, 2003, T. 50, z. 1, s. 97-115.1233-1457http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/10610Tłumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Jan Kłos.The author analyzes the transformation of the most ancient Christian tradition, the transformation described in the Letter to the Hebrews. It consists in the fact that the death and resurrection of Jesus are a consecration of the High Pries of the New Covenant. The crucified and resurrected Christ is an anti-type of the High Priest of the Old Covenant. A High Priest is a Mediator and Leader who may not only show the way to the House of the Father. As the only-begotten Son of God He has the right to usher others into it (cf. J 14, 6-9). Through His passion and death Jesus had been transformed and became the perfect High Priest. Thus ’’made perfect” (Heb 2, 10), that is, crucified and resurrected Jesus, was made the Head of people and their Leader to salvation. In other words, God made Him the High Priest. The passion and death of Jesus were in fact an exceptional and unique kind of consecrating the High Priest of the New Covenant.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/arcykapłaniprzymierzekonsekracja Arcykapłana Nowego PrzymierzakonsekracjaNowe PrzymierzeJezus ChrystusJezus Chrystus arcykapłanNowy TestamentBibliaPismo Świętezmartwychwstaniezmartwychwstanie ChrystusaukrzyżowanieArcykapłan Nowego Przymierzakapłanitradycjatradycja ewangelicznaEwangeliaStary TestamentcierpienieśmierćMęka Pańskahigh priestscovenantconsecration of the High Priest of the New CovenantconsecrationNew CovenantJesus ChristJesus Christ the High PriestNew TestamentBibleResurrectionResurrection of ChristcrucifixionHigh Priest of the New CovenantclergytraditionGospel traditiongospelOld TestamentsufferingdeathPassion of ChristHbr 1List do HebrajczykówLetter to the Hebrewslisty św. Pawłaletters of Saint PaulArcykapłan Nowego Przymierza – ukrzyżowany i zmartwychwstały Chrystus (Hbr 1, 5-2, 18)The High Priest of the New Covenant – Crucified and Raised Christ (Heb 1,5-2,18)Article