Przybecki, Adam2025-01-312025-01-312008Studia Gdańskie, 2008, T. 23, s. 203-213.0137-4341 socio-political changes in Poland in 1989 triggered significant changes also in the position and activity of the Church. For the first time since the World War II was over the Church can carry out its pastoral mission independently and without any external limitations. It requires developing a proper concept of pastoral work, in agreement with the present situation. It is absolutely vital to engage in it lay believers, who under the Communist regime could fulfil their tasks in a very limited way. The new situation witnessed not only the further development of the already existing centres of lay formation, but also the establishment of numerous schools, new communities, movements and organizations. The question thus arises: how do they participate in lay formation and education and to what extent do their activities help to engage the laity in both, the life of the church community and the society in general?plCC-BY-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Bez utworów zależnychuniwersytetyszkolnictwo wyższewydział teologicznywierniświeccylaikatformacjawspólnotaKościółstowarzyszenia chrześcijańskieruchy chrześcijańskieinstytuty katechetyczneuniversitieshigher educationfaculty of theologyfaithfullaypeoplelaityformationcommunityChurchChristian associationsChristian movementscatechetical institutesAkademickie wydziały teologiczne oraz ruchy i stowarzyszenia w procesie kształcenia i formacji świeckich wiernych. Polskie doświadczenia czasu przełomuAcademic Theological Faculties, Movements and Associations in the Process of Education and Formation of the Laity. The Polish Experience in a Time of ChangeArticle