Przybyłowski, Jan2024-08-262024-08-262013Communio, 2013, R. 33, nr 1 (181), s. 116-128.0208-7995 article portrays the Christian family as a home and school of communion. Such understanding entails that the Christian family is a “home” church. The term “ home” church may also refer to a family community, formed without a sacramental relationship of the spouses, provided that they respect the obligations arising from the marriage vows and remain in close contact with the Church. Communion conjugal love combines the family vocation as well as ecclesial vocation, which means that every Christian family forms a saving community and can be compared to God’s house. The organic perspective of family pastoral care sees each family as „home” church.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 PolandściółChurchKościół domowydomestic ChurchmałżeństwomarriagesakramentysacramentspowołanievocationwspólnotacommunitydomhomeRodzina Kościołem „domowym”Article