Kiciński, Jacek2023-01-232023-01-232009Polonia Sacra, 2009, R. 13 (31), Nr 25 (69), s. 51-64.1428-5673 priest called to a life of celibacy, being part of the Church’s community, should be conscious that the ultimate aim of his service is to gather Gods family in a brotherly communion. His task is to develop a deep awareness of the communion in himself, which connects him with the People of the Lord. The priest is put not ‘in front o f’ the Church, but ‘in it, so that he is a brother among brothers. In a special way he grows within his own presbyterium and together with it in unity with the bishop. His fidelity to the vocation is nowadays becoming a strong support for the spouses experiencing difficulties in keeping their marital vows. In this context the priests celibacy has a special social meaning, particularly in the service of the faithful.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 PolandłaństwokapłaniduchowieństwowspólnotapowołanieJezus Chrystuszbawieniecelibatcelibat kapłańskisłużbapriesthoodclergycommunityvocationJesus Christsalvationcelibacypriestly celibacyserviceZ Ludu wzięty, do Ludu posłany. Wspólnota miejscem realizacji powołania kapłańskiego‘Taken from among human beings, appointed to act on their behalf’. The community as the place of realisation of the priest’s callingArticle