Dominiczak, Marcin2023-03-022023-03-022016Roczniki Teologiczne Warszawsko-Praskie, 2016, t. 12, s. 9-33.1643-4870 first aim of this article is to introduce the phenomenon of the word of God, its causative character, and only then is the man-creating process thoroughly elucidated and explained. Disclaimer: the article bases on Old Testament theology owing to the references and arguments stemming from Old Testament texts.plAttribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland ŚwięteStary TestamentOld TestamentSłowo BożeWord of Godproces osobotwórczyman-creating processbiblistykabiblical studiesosobapersonczłowiekhumanantropologiaanthropologyantropologia teologicznatheological anthropologyantropologia biblijnabiblical anthropologygrecka koncepcja człowiekastarotestamentowa koncepcja człowiekaOsobotwórcza rola Słowa Bożego w Starym TestamencieMan-creating role of the Word of God in the Old TestamentArticle