Dyduch, Jan2023-06-012023-06-011995Analecta Cracoviensia, 1995, T. 27, s. 731-742.0209-0864http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/7880The postconciliar renewal re-evaluated the role and significance of women in the apostolic works of the Church. Through the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation women participate in the universal or common priesthood. By the will of Christ they cannot receive sacred orders and consequently, they cannot share in the formal priesthood, i.e. the hierarchical one. However, this is not a sign of their discrimination or a breach of the equality of rights. Woman’s perfection does not consist in duplicate man nor her concession to the functions of man but rather in the emphasis and prominence of special female characteristic. Woman’s dignity and mission have been fully shown in her vocation to motherhood and virginity or spiritual motherhood. In the postconciliar times women have been entrusted with various liturgical services and functions in the Church that do not require ordination. In fact, women’s admission to the offices of lector and acolyte is being discussed.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/Kościółkobietasobór watykański IIsobórmisjemisja kapłańsko-uświęcającaświeccylaikatkapłaniduchowieństwokapłaństwokapłaństwo kobietordynacja kobietordynacjakapłaństwo powszechnekapłaństwo urzędowegodnośćgodność ludzkaczłowiekosobarównośćfundamentalna równośćKodeks Prawa KanonicznegoInter insignioresOrdinatio sacertodalisdokumenty Kościołalisty apostolskiepowołanieapostolstwoapostolatChurchwomanSecond Vatican CouncilVatican IIcouncilmissionspriestly and sanctifying missionlaypeoplelaityclergypriesthoodpriesthood of womenordination of womenordinationcommon priesthoodofficial priesthooddignityhuman dignityhumanpersonequalityfundamental equalityApostolic LettersvocationapostolateUdział kobiet w misji uświęcającej KościołaWomen’s Participation in the Sanctifying Mission of the ChurchArticle