Pastwa, Rafał2023-06-132023-06-132011Roczniki Nauk o Rodzinie, 2011, T. 3(58), s. 107-123.2081-2078 translated by / Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Tadeusz Karłowicz.Sexual education takes a very important part in human development. The integral dimension of sexuality should be constantly presented from its positive side. Nobody must be persuaded to realize the necessity of medical and biological education of young people and adults as it is simply a necessity nowadays. Prophylaxis concerning HPV and HIV is indispensable. However, next to medical attitudes ethical and moral factors must be taken into consideration. Education itself will not be enough without a firm model of living created by societies and families. Some Catholic theologians state that as far as human sexuality and sexual ethics is concerned, a kind of ecological sphere of sexuality exists. According to Prof. Włodzimierz Fijałkowski, ecology stands on guards of living in harmony with nature. Any prophylactic campaign cannot be carried on in an intimidating tone. Women must be informed about the importance and necessity of prophylactic examinations against cancer and of vaccines.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland szyjki macicyekologiczna sfera płciowościzapłodnienie pozaustrojowewirus brodawczaka ludzkiegoludzki wirus niedoboru odpornościzespół nabytego niedoboru odpornościedukacja seksualnaprofilaktyka zdrowotnachorobarodzinaspołeczeństwoKościółnauczanieedukacja medycznapłciowośćseksualnośćzdrowieodpowiedzialnośćwychowaniesztuczne zapłodnieniecervical cancerecological sphere of sexualityIVFIn Vitro FertilisationHPVHuman Papilloma VirusHIVHuman Immunodeficiency VirusAIDSAcquired Immunodeficiency Syndromesex educationpreventive healthcareillnessfamilysocietyChurchteachingmedical educationsexualityhealthresponsibilityupbringingartificial inseminationedukacjaeducationMagisterium Kościołanauczanie KościołaChurch teachingRola edukacji seksualnej i profilaktyki zdrowotnej w kontekście zachorowań na raka szyjki macicy i AIDS w wymiarze rodzinnym i społecznym z uwzględnieniem elementów nauki KościołaThe Role of Sexual Education and of Health Prophylaxis in the Family and Social Dimension in the Context of the High Incidence of Cervical Cancer and Aids, with the Consideration of Elements of the Teaching of the ChurchArticle