Socha, Jacek2025-01-282025-01-282007Studia Gdańskie, 2007, T. 20, s. 125-137.0137-4341 is an integral part of the Church’s life. Evangelization is definitely influenced by the fact that the Holy Spirit, which is confirmed in apostolic history and the scriptures of Saint Paul, endows the whole Church, the Bride. However, due to the neglecting of radical evangelism, a new occurrence appeared in Christianity, which reduced the acceptance of the evangelic proclamation to a small group of people, the priesthood. As a result, more priests started to specialize in evangelization. A new evangelization – to which John Paul II encouraged everybody – is discovering, once again a common calling to be a saint, consequently, a calling to evangelize. A new evangelization which can not be limited only to groups and movements but should be taken on by all parish communities, which should in fact become the foundation for this process. The evangelization commonness can be achieved only when all the perishes open themselves for the gifts of the Holy Spirit and answer to the Holy Spirit by evangelizing.plCC-BY-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Bez utworów zależnychewangelizacjanowa ewangelizacjakatolicyświeccykatolicy świeccyKościółpowołaniemisjaruchy katolików świeckichruchy religijnewspólnotygłoszenie Dobrej Nowinyparafieevangelizationnew evangelizationCatholicslaypeoplelay CatholicsChurchvocationmissionlay Catholic movementsreligious movementscommunitiesproclamation of the Good NewsparishesKatolicy świeccy a Nowa EwangelizacjaLay Catholics and the New EvangelizationArticle