Derdziuk, Andrzej2023-07-192023-07-192001Roczniki Teologiczne, 2001, T. 48, z. 3, s. 5-19.1233-1457 tłumaczenia streszczenia: Tadeusz Karłowicz.Moral theology in Poland in the 17th century had significant achievements, namely, it had outstanding professors and their textbooks. Science of morals was advanced in the Cracow Academy and in monastery schools. Szymon Makowski and Adam of Opatów belonged to the most prominent moralists from Cracow. Among Dominicans whose works were based on St Thomas’ Summa Mikołaj of Mościska and Samuel of Lublin should be mentioned. The Jesuit school characterized by a view to pastorate activity was represented by Tomasz Młodzianowski and Wojciech Tylkowski. Franciscans following the authority of John Duns Scotus had two outstanding representatives: Marian Kościan and Piotr of Poznan. Within the discussed range moral theology was held in esteem in Europe and it had considerable achievements as far as development of science is concerned.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland moraliściteolodzy moraliścimoral theologiansteologiatheologyteologia moralnamoral theologyhistoriahistoryXVII w.dominikanieDominican friarsjezuiciJesuitsfranciszkanieFranciscan BrotherspauliniPauliteszakonyordersmęskie zgromadzenia zakonnemale religious congregationsAkademia KrakowskaCracow AcademyPolscy teologowie moraliści XVII wiekuPolish Theologians-Moralists in the 17th CenturyArticle