Moskiewski, MichałSocha, Jacek2025-01-272025-01-272006Studia Gdańskie, 2005-2006, T. 18-19, s. 35-63.0137-4341 and morally, terrorism is not a trivial phenomenon. The clear indication of evil in terrorism threatens not only man’s freedom deriving from human dignity, but also his personal and social life. However, most societies are not aware of the true evil of terrorism and they see it only as the killing of the innocent victims. In fact, the disastrous after-effects of terrorists’ attacks reach far beyond the suffering and death of the victims. From the perspective of social life, finding a solution to the problem of contemporary terrorism remains crucial. Actions undertaken by particular countries as well as the international community are limited merely to some short-term safety measures and prevention. As such, they can’t solve the problem. For first, we must realize and explore in depth the underlying reasons for terrorism. Only the full awareness of the “root of evil” will allow for actions that might help to eliminate this menacing and corrupting product of the “civilization of death”.plCC-BY-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Bez utworów zależnychterroryzmterrorhistoria terroryzmutypologia terroryzmuzłoakty terrorystycznewolnośćograniczenie wolnościdziałania niszczące zdrowie i życiespołeczeństwożycie społeczneinstytucje międzynarodoweStolica Apostolskaterrorismhistory of terrorismtypology of terrorismevilacts of terrorismfreedomrestriction of freedomactions destructive to health and lifesocietysocial lifeinternational institutionsHoly SeeTerroryzm jako problem etycznyTerrorism as an Ethical IssueArticle