Zając, Marian2024-01-232024-01-232007Roczniki Teologiczne, 2007, T. 54, z. 6, s. 429-440.1233-1457łumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Jan Kłos.In the process of education at the school religious class and parochial catechesis parents, teachers, and catechists have a role to play. Nobody at the moment questions the fact that only the collective effort of the three milieus – the school, the family, and the Church – can bring about an effective renewal of the ethos of formative work among the young generation. In this common effort the role of the father is important. Social and family obligations fulfilled by fathers are superimposed on various personality structures and psychical types of children, and they leave permanent traces. Thus one should speak at a religious instruction about the proper types of the father and various ways to hold paternal power. One should be consequent in stigmatising the authoritative style, excessively democratic and negative. The positive image of the family’s father should be propagate. Now shaping a model of the father through the pattern of the Heavenly Father is a common task of all those who are in any way occupied with education and upbringing of children and the youth.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland ojca w rodzinierodzinaformacjaformacja katechetycznakatechizowaniformacja katechizowanychkatechetykateologiateologia pastoralnaprzeobrażenia statusu ojca w rodzinieprzeobrażenia roli ojca w rodziniefathercatechesisfather's role in familyfamilyformationcatechetical formationcatechized pupilsformation of the catechisedcatecheticstheologypastoral theologyPrzeobrażenia statusu i roli ojca w rodzinie a formacja współczesnych katechizowanychTransformations of the Status and Role of the Father in a Family versus the Formation of the Contemporary CatechisedArticle