Adamczyk, Dariusz2024-08-012024-08-012010Studia Teologiczno-Historyczne Śląska Opolskiego, 2010, T. 30, s. 233-246.0137-3420 of religious education is religiosity of pupil. It’s going about showing sense of human existence and finally aim of human life. It make possible his universal develop. It is showing the whole sense of reality. Law of religious education of children is entitled to parents. Parents quest is education of children on God’s glory. They have to teach children cognition and respect for the God. Condition of good religious education is authentic religiosity of parents and atmosphere of love and warmth in relation with a child.plAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland religijne w rodziniewychowanie religijnewychowaniewychowanie w rodzinierodzinacel wychowania religijnego w rodziniezadania wychowania religijnego w rodziniekierunki wychowania religijnego w rodzinieformy wychowania religijnego w rodzinietrudności w wychowaniu religijnym w rodziniebłędy w wychowaniu religijnym w rodziniewarunki wychowania religijnego w rodziniereligious upbringing in familyreligious upbringingupbringingupbringing in familyfamilypurpose of religious upbringing in familytasks of religious upbringing in familydirections of religious upbringing in familyforms of religious upbringing in familydifficulties in religious upbringing in familyerrors in religious upbringing in familyconditions of religious upbringing in familyrodziceparentsdziecichildrenWychowanie religijne w rodzinieThe religious education in familyArticle