Siemieniewski, Andrzej2025-01-282025-01-282007Studia Gdańskie, 2007, T. 20, s. 109-124.0137-4341 of the most popular schemes used in evangelization in the Christian world is the model of the “Four Spiritual Laws” of which approximately 1.5 billion copies have been printed worldwide. They are very useful indeed but are often accepted with no critical theological thought whatsoever as if they came directly from the sources of Revelation. This is the reason for the present paper: to analyze the biblical ground for these Laws and to formulate some pastoral observations. We took here as an example the manual widely used in recent years for evangelization retreats in the Polish ecclesial Movement Life and Light. It seems that to the Four Laws – helpful as they are in evangelizing people – more limited value should be ascribed that it was in the past.plCC-BY-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Bez utworów zależnychewangelizacjakerygmatykerygmat ewangelizacyjnyKościółformacjaRuch Światło-Życieformacja oazowaoazanowa ewangelizacjanowe narodzinyevangelizationkerygmasevangelistic kerygmaChurchformationLight-Life Movementoasis formationoasisnew evangelizationnew birthKerygmat ewangelizacyjny – próba teologicznego pogłębieniaThe Evangelizing Kerygma – an Attempt at Theological ExplorationArticle