Misiaszek, Kazimierz2023-03-102023-03-102009Studia Paradyskie, 2009, t. 19, s. 53-65.83-7077-134-3http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/4943Tłumaczenie streszczenia Elżbieta Osewska.Dialogue, but especially the attitude towards dialogue stays in the in the nature of the Church, which is appointed for existence through Jesus Christ, who is the Word of God addressed directly for the human being. It is possible to say, that the Church grows from the word, builds through the word, lives in word and it is even fed with the word. However, the basic character and essence of the word is a communication act. So, Church is opened for the dialogue. Firstly is the dialogue of salvation. However, salvation is placed on the human being, his personal and social life. The Church leads dialogue with the world in the definite manner, presenting certain principles. First of them says, that the Church desires to express declaration of assistance to every individual person. It concerns particularly with the aim and meaning of life, discovering the full truth of a human being, respecting dignity of human person, freedom, conscience, human rights and increasing the human talents. The second one wants to strengthen the human communities with the values present in them. The Church does not want to involve in politic, but to support the human operations in the social sphere. Third principle announces that the Church desires to participate in acting in favour of the common good. The Church also calls to the world, in order to create proper institutions for increasing the common good.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/pl/KościółChurchdialogdialogueświatworlddialog w Kościelewspółpracacooperationwspółpraca Kościoła ze światemKarol WojtyłaJan Paweł IIpapieżekapłaniduchowieństwopopesclergypriesthoodencyklikaencyclicMagisterium Kościoładokumenty KościołaChurch documentsKościół – dialog – świat: podstawowe założenia i uwarunkowaniaChurch – Dialogue – World: Basic presuppositions and conditionsArticle