Zyzak, Wojciech2023-02-022023-02-022011Polonia Sacra, 2011, R. 15 (33), Nr 28 (72), s. 281-299.1428-5673http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/3466The author of the article shows the life and works of Florent Radewijns, who lived in XIV century and as a representative of devotio moderna founded Brothers of the Common Life and the monastery in Windesheim. The author focuses his attention on Tractatulus devotus, a work by Radewijns, which shows above all ascetical efforts necessary on the purgative way. The article includes a comprehensive presentation of the contents of this work, the sources from which it is drawn and the influence on the later writers. The author tries to show the original features of Radewijns’ work and his influence on the understanding of the development of the spiritual life.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/Florent RadewijnsTractatulus devotustraktaty teologiczneśredniowieczeKościółchrześcijaństwoduchowośćdevotio modernażycie duchoweBracia Wspólnego Życiabiografiahistoriahistoria Kościołalaicyświeccylaikattheological treatisesMiddle AgesChurchChristianityspiritualityspiritual lifeBrethren of the Common LifebiographyhistoryChurch historylaypeoplelaityteologiatheologyTractatulus devotus Florenta Radewijnsa jako przykład duchowości devotio modernaTractatulus Devotus by Florent Radewijns as an Example of the Spirituality of Devotio ModernaArticle