Cyrek, Olga2024-05-242024-05-242011Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne, 2011, T. 30, cz. 2, s. 13-37.0239-4472 article explains the theology of icons depicting the Mother of God with the Child and update these three basic types of iconographie. The development of Marian iconography followed the Ephesian council (431), when finally established dogma of the divine motherhood of Mary and identified her as the Theotokos. In different cultures, a number of variants of the icons. In the culture of the Byzantine character usually depicted statically and frontally. While in the Balkans is characterized by dynamic movement of the Child. Images of Mary are always Christocentric, and indicate the dogma of the Incarnation of the Son of God.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland bizantyńskaBogurodzicateologiaWcieleniehodegetriaikony typu Glykofilusawizerunki Maryiikonaikona Maryisztukasztuka sakralnasztuka religijnaikona bizantyjskaikona ruskaikona bałkańskateologiczna podstawa wizerunków Maryiwizerunki Bogurodzicy z DzieciątkiemiconographyByzantine artMother of GodtheologyIncarnationimages of Maryiconicon of Maryartsacred artreligious artByzantine iconRussian iconBalkan icontheological basis of images of Maryimages of Mother of God and ChildJezus ChrystusJesus ChristSyn BożySon of GodTheotokosteologia ikonytheology of iconTeologiczna podstawa wizerunków Bogurodzicy z Dzieciątkiem – ikona bizantyjska, ruska i bałkańskaThe Theological Basis of the Theotokos and Child Images – the Byzantine Icon, Ruthenian and BalkanArticle