Jagodziński, Marek2023-02-282023-02-282012Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie, 2012, nr 18, z. 1, s. 19-32.1230-0780http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/4368A systematic look at the modern dimensions of Christian witness and martyrdom helps to systematize theological data on that subject as well as to notice its relevance, features and tasks to be performed. The contemporary Christian thought adopts the martyrdom theology which has been developing since the beginning of the Church and shows its aspects connected with the specificity of the current situation of faith. Special attention should be drawn to the fact that the Church preserves the memory of all the martyrs and takes into consideration the ecumenical importance of martyrdom.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/pl/teologiaeklezjologiaświadectwomęczeństwomęczennicyXX w.KościółinterpretacjaEucharystiasakramentychrześcijaniechrześcijaństwoteologia męczeństwaDuch ŚwiętyczłowiektheologyecclesiologytestimonymartyrdommartyrsChurchinterpretationEucharistsacramentsChristianityChristianstheology of martyrdomHoly SpirithumanTeologiczno-eklezjalne wymiary świadectwa i męczeństwa chrześcijan w XX wiekuTheological-ecclesial meaning of the witness and martyrdom of the Christians in the twentieth centuryArticle