Gizowski, Mariusz2024-01-312024-01-312007Roczniki Teologiczne, 2007, T. 54, z. 10, s. 303-317.1233-1457 article concerns evolution of the family in the historical and socio-political context. In the introduction J. L. Flandrin’s, Dictionnaire de L ’Academie's, de Jaucourt’s and L. Dyczewski’s definitions of family have been discussed, stressing the underlyng procreative, socializing, educational and cultural function of the relationship between a man and woman. The nature of the family depends on the social and political changes. However, the patriarchal model of the family, existing in Antiquity, Feudalism and Capitalism, proved to be the most stable in the Western World and presented certain features and functions dependent on the socio-political situation. Postindustrialism marks a break-up in the traditional model of the family. At that time informal relationships and marriages of equal partners, as well as homosexual relationships were on the increase.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandłeczeństwopaństwopolitykastarożytnośćfeudalizmkapitalizmpostindustrializmprzemiany modelu rodzinynauki o rodziniepolitykasocjologiafamilysocietystatepoliticsantiquityfeudalismcapitalismpost-industrialismchanges in family modelfamily studiespoliticssociologySpołeczno-polityczny kontekst przemiany modelu rodziny na przestrzeni dziejów świata zachodniego w epokach starożytności, feudalizmu i kapitalizmuSocio-Political Transformation in the Western World in Antiquity, Feudalism and CapitalismArticle