Misiurek, Jerzy2023-05-232023-05-231999Roczniki Teologiczne, 1999, T. 46, z. 5, s. 87-105.0035-7723http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/7476Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Jan Kłos.Bishop Zygmunt Łoziński is one of the most prominent Polish bishops of the interwar period. From 1917 he was the bishop of the Minsk dioceses, and from 1925 the first Pinsk bishop. He included his reflections on sacerdotal spirituality in his book Rozważania majowe dla duchowieństwa (The May Devotions for the Clergy, Poznań 1927) and in List pasterski o pracy kapłańskiej (The Pastoral Letter about Sacerdotal Work, Pinsk 1931). His programme to reach sacerdotal perfection, while following the example of Jesus Christ and Mary, is based above all on the biblical texts, the texts which he interpreted in an excellent way. He would emphasize that the work to reach personal perfection by the example of Jesus and Mary demands on each priest to be more committed to the work of the evangelization of the world. Łoziński is a representative of Polish non-religious spirituality, taking into account the specific character of the sacerdotal life aimed at pastoral work.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/chrystocentryzmMaryjaduchowośćduchowość kapłańskateologiateologia duchowościsługi BożeZygmunt Łozińskichrystocentryczny wymiar duchowości kapłańskiejmaryjny wymiar duchowości kapłańskiejkapłaństwoJezus ChrystusChristocentrismMaryspiritualitypriestly spiritualitytheologytheology of spiritualityservants of GodChristocentric dimension of priestly spiritualityMarian dimension of priestly spiritualityclergypriesthoodkapłaniduchowieństwoJesus ChristChrystocentryczno-maryjny wymiar duchowości kapłańskiej w świetle pism Sługi Bożego Zygmunta Łozińskiego (+1932)The Christocentric-Marian dimension of sacerdotal spirituality in the light of the writings by the venerable Zygmunt Łoziński (D. 1932)Article