Zachara, Maciej2024-02-202024-02-202012Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne, 2012, T. 3 (59), s. 157-171.2080-6337 tłumaczenia streszczenia / Summary translated by Tadeusz Karłowicz.The subject of the article is analysis of the rites of confirmation in several sacramentaries and pontificals of the Roman rite from the period between the 8th and the middle of the 10th centuries. During that time the short Roman rite of confirmation, consisting up till then of three basic ritual elements (epicletic prayer, application of chrism to the forehead, the sign of peace) is gradually enriched with new formulas and prayers. In this process the mentality of Frankish and Germanic people is expressed, that prefers longer and more dramatized ritual forms than the ones used in the Roman liturgy up till then. The process of development of the rite of confirmation is also connected with ever more frequent practice of autonomous administering of the rite of confirmation, outside the original context of baptismal liturgy. Especially the development of the final part of the rite, which ultimately assumes the form of a solemn pontifical blessing deserves a special attention, as well as the addition of the preamble opening the rite. The peak of the development is the Romano-Germanic Pontifical coming from the middle of the 10th century, that at the same time is the basis for all the later pontificals of the Roman rite.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandłyliturgia rzymskaliturgiasakramentyźródła liturgicznedokumentyźródła historyczneśredniowieczeconfirmationbaptismsacramentariespontificalsRoman liturgyliturgysacramentsliturgical sourcesdocumentshistorical sourcesMiddle AgesRozwój obrzędu bierzmowania i jego związek z liturgią chrzcielną w rycie rzymskim od VIII do X wieku na podstawie źródeł liturgicznychThe Development of the Rite of Confirmation and Its Connection with the Baptismal Liturgy in The Roman Rite from the 8th to the 10th Century on the Basis of Liturgical SourcesArticle