Dec, Ignacy2024-01-262024-01-261999Roczniki Filozoficzne, 1999, T. 47, z. 2, s. 77-90.0035-7685 author in his article sheds light on a very important topic of John Paul II’s teaching which is the dignity of the human person. The article consists of three parts. In the first one reasons for rejecting the truth of the dignity of the human person in the contemporary times are presented. In the second one the author speaks about the natural dignity of man and its ontological foundations arc underlined. These foundations are: self-consciousness (an ability of intellectual perception), freedom (an ability of self-determination) and love (an ability of becoming a gift to another man). The third part of the article is dedicated to showing the sources of the supernatural human dignity. Man as God’s image is taken here in consideration by presenting the human dignity revealed in the moment of Creation and then „supplemented” in the mystery of the incarnation and Redemption. This natural and supernatural human dignity forms a basis for a special honor that is due to a human person. This is why „man is the first and the most fundamental way on which the Church should walk in fulfilling her ministry, is the first and the most fundamental way of the Church” (RH 14).plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland WojtyłaJan Paweł IIJohn Paul IIpapieżepopesczłowiekhumangodnośćdignitygodność ludzkahuman dignityintegralnośćintegrityRedemptor hominisencyklikaencyclicdokumenty Kościołafilozofiaphilosophyantropologiaanthropologyosobapersonosoba ludzkahuman personobraz Bogaimage of Godgodność nadprzyrodzonasupernatural dignityintegralna godność ludzkaintegral human dignityJana Pawła II wizja integralnej godności ludzkiejJohn Paul II’s View of the Inherent Human DignityArticle