Rucki, Mirosław2024-11-152024-11-152016Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2016, R. 24, Nr 2, s. 23-38.1231-17312544-6460 the paper, a Jewish perspective of the John’s story about healing the blind is presented. The range of Jewish documents and prayers connected with healing the blinds is discussed. The context of healing on Sabbath is provided, emphasizing that Jesus “had created” new eyes for the man born blind. The passages from Qumran and Talmud were analyzed to compare the forbidden activities with what Jesus had performed. In the final section, the context of exclusion of the healed blind man from synagogue is shown, too.plCC-BY-SA - Uznanie autorstwa - Na tych samych warunkachjudaizmTalmuduzdrowienie niewidomegootwieranie oczuszabatJezus ChrystuscudauzdrowienieBibliaPismo ŚwięteNowy TestamentJudaismhealing the blindopening eyesSabbathJesus ChristmiracleshealingBibleNew TestamentUzdrowienie niewidomego – podwójny dowód boskości Jezusa ChrystusaHealing the Blind: A Double Proof that Jesus is GodArticle