Sienkiewicz, Edward2023-02-242023-02-242009Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie, 2009, nr 14, s. 187-211.1230-0780 the beauty constitutes the proper subject of the asthetics, it cannot be fully owned by the esthetics. Already ancient art saw beauty as not only superficial and subjective. The beauty can be completely expressed only in the unity with the Good and the Truth. This view finds its expression in classic tradition and a continuity in Christian art, trying through the relation to sacrum to show the best way of solving the dispute of beauty with the Good and the Truth. Their traces in the work of creation find their expression in arts through centuries.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 PolandógpięknonieskończonośćsztukateologiafilozofiaKościółartyścidialogchrześcijaństwostworzenieliturgiadobroprawdazbawienieJezus ChrystusGodbeautyinfinityarttheologyphilosophyChurchartistsdialogueChristianitycreationliturgygoodtruthsalvationJesus ChristBóg jest nieskończonym pięknemArticle