Studenski, Marek2022-12-122022-12-122002Polonia Sacra, 2002, R. 6 (24), Nr 11 (55), s. 307-321.1428-5673 paper discusses negative aspects of the reality of upbringing in Poland in the years 1947-1989. In order to fulfil the task of bringing up a “new man” and moulding the so called “scientific outlook”, theoreticians of the period suggested in the first place a necessity of isolating children from the influence of their family and a need of eradicating the influence of religion. Family had a subordinate role in upbringing, the process being taken over by state institutions. Nowadays we stand a chance of restoring the family's due, i.e. leading, role in the process of upbringing as well as ensuring close co-operation of family, Church and school.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandłowiekhomo sovieticushistoriasocjalizmhumanizm socjalistycznypedagogikaetykapropagandaedukacjaKościółfilozofia marksistowskaupbringingcommunismhumanhistorysocialismpedagogyethicseducationChurchMarxist philosophymoralnośćmoralityhumanismhumanizmNegatywne aspekty polskiej rzeczywistości wychowawczej w latach 1947-1989Negative Aspects of Polish Reality of Upbringing in the Years 1947-1989Article