Janicki, Jan Józef2023-04-212023-04-212019Veritati et Caritati, 2019, T. 12, s. 165-195.978-83-64487-15-62354-0311http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/6480The article presents the history of two events, which took place in so called the Gravel Pit, the area located beyond German extermination camp, but adjoining to it. First, the history of so called “the Old Theatre building“, which has become the Carmelites monastery. The sisters moved out of the building after protests from some Jewish groups. The second event, occupying twice bigger part of article is devoted to the events, which were connected with placing so-called “papal cross” commemorating Pope John Paul II’s visit to the camp and celebration the mass in 1979. The presence of this cross and later putting up 152 other crosses in honor of murdered the Poles, caused consecutive protests of international Jewish society, and from the Polish side – defence of the cross. The author of this article has tried to read these issues in the light of teaching St. John Paul II about the cross, during his pilgrimages to Poland.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/pl/Auschwitz IAuschwitz-Birkenaubudynek tzw. Starego Teatruklasztorykrzyżklasztor Sióstr Karmelitanek BosychżwirowiskożwirowniaKrzyż papieskiJan Paweł IIKarol Wojtyłanauczanie Jana Pawła IInauczanie o KrzyżuMogiłaSkoczówZakopaneprotesty i apele o nieusuwanie Krzyża ze ŻwirowiskaprotestyJózef Glempprymasiprymas PolskiKazimierz Świtońkrzyże przydrożnemonasteriescrossCarmelites female religious orderKarmelitanki BoseGravel Pitpapal crossJohn Paul IIteaching of John Paul IIteaching about the Crossprotests and appeals for leaving the cross form the Gravel PitprotestsPrimatesPrimate of Polandnauczanie papieskiePope's teachingobozy koncentracyjneconcentration campswayside crossesStat Crux dum volvitur orbis. Krzyż na żwirowisku przyległym do niemieckiego obozu zagłady Auschwitz – polemiki, protesty, obrona w prasie polskiej 1998 rokuStat crux dum volvitur orbis. The Cross in the Gravel Pit near German Extermination Camp Auschwitz – Polemics, Protests, Defence in Polish Press in 1998Article