Mastej, Jacenty2023-08-282023-08-282012Roczniki Teologii Fundamentalnej i Religiologii, 2012, T. 4 (59), s. 71-84.2080-8534 translated by / Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Krzysztof Kaucha.In all Benedict XVI’s teaching faith is understood in personalistic view and categories. The Pope pays attention especially to rational dimension of faith, its natural and supernatural foundations and obedience present insight it. For Pope Benedict XVI it is clear that Christian faith has got its rational motives and explanation – Christian faith is not ‘blind’. Because the Christian faith is inter-personal event, it is alive and dynamic and it has got fundamental meaning in human life. That’s why – according to Benedict XVI – the Christian testimony to the faith is necessary and should be always alive. This testimony helps to discover the power and beauty of faith. Doing so it invites Christians not only to exist strong in faith but also to live it deeply and joyfully.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland wiaryBenedykt XVIJoseph RatzingerRok Wiaryakt wiaryracje wiaryposłuszeństwo wiarydynamizm wiaryświadectwo wiarylisty apostolskiePorta fideidokumenty Kościołafaiththeology of faithBenedict XVIYear of Faithact of faithmotives of faithfaith obediencedynamism of faithtestimony to faithApostolic LettersteologiatheologypopesclergypriesthoodpapieżekapłaniduchowieństwoświadectwoposłuszeństwodynamizmtestimonyobediencedynamismElementy teologii wiary w świetle listu apostolskiego «motu proprio» Porta fidei Benedykta XVITheology of Faith Elements in the Light of Benedict XVI’s Apostolic Letter «Motu Proprio» Porta FideiArticle