Zadrożny, Kamil2023-04-212023-04-212019Veritati et Caritati, 2019, T. 12, s. 719-745.978-83-64487-15-62354-0311 study takes into account the post-synodal apostolic exhortations of the bishops of Rome and the Mariological and Marian themes contained therein. These documents show Mary’s exemplary and active presence in the community of Jesus’ disciples of all times. The multitude of Mariological themes and images of Mary, which are indicated by the post-synodal apostolic adortations promulgated after the Second Vatican Council, testify to the need to constantly deepen the knowledge of her who in all time (cf. Gal 4: 4) became Mother of the Redeemer. It results from her internal connection with the Church, for which she remains not only Mother, but also a model of truly evangelical life. The diversity of her presentation and interpretation allows her to see in Mary a synthesis of true humanity, the pattern of life with evangelical counsels, the icon of acceptance and life in God’s grace, a sub-guide of spiritual life, Mother and Teacher. Mary appears as a person completely imbued with God’s Word, living in true accordance with his will, yet open to others. The Mother of Jesus is above all a true champion of Christian life in all its dimensionsplAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland adhortacja apostolskapost-synodal apostolic exhortationadhortacjaexhortationadhortacja apostolskaapostolic exhortationnauczanie KościołaChurch teachingMagisterium KościołaPaweł VIJan Paweł IIKarol WojtyłaBenedykt XVIJoseph RatzingerFranciszek papieżPaul VIJohn Paul IIBenedict XVIPope Francispapieżepopeskapłaniclergypriesthoodduchowieństworodzinafamilyżycie konsekrowaneconsecrated lifeformacjaformationformacja kapłańskapriestly formationmłodzieżyouthewangelizacja we współczesnym świecieevangelization in the modern worldevangelizationewangelizacjaSłowo BożeWord of GodEucharystiaEucharistsacramentssakramentyWątki mariologiczno – maryjne w wybranych posynodalnych adhortacjach apostolskichMariologically – Marian Strands in Chosen Postsynodal Apostolic ExhortationsArticle