Oko, Dariusz2023-04-262023-04-262022The Person and the Challenges, 2022, Vol. 12, No. 2, p. 95-111.2083-8018http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/6727Artykuł w języku niemieckim.Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, the closest associate of Pope Benedict XVI, theologically as if his Alter-Ego, is certainly one of the best experts in the Catholic Church in Germany. And it is he who compares the present condition of this Church to the catastrophe of such a huge and luxurious Titanic, which, however, is slowly sinking, because those responsible turned out to be reckless and did not predict the worst. Indeed, so far the application of almost all criteria that apply to the evaluation of a religious community has shown that, in fact, since the Second Vatican Council, this Church has been losing its vitality and shrinking. However, the so-called Synodal Way has deteriorated even more dramatically in recent times. Its agenda includes goals and demands that are contrary to both Revelation and the Tradition of the Church, and that are contrary to common sense. These are the goals and demands that have been made by even extreme left and atheistic ideologues and politicians, and which are now to move to the center and foundations of church teaching. It seems that just as almost all English bishops in the 16th century succumbed to the state violence of King Henry VIII and betrayed Christ and the Church, today the vast majority of German clergymen succumb to ideological violence in the area of culture and the state and thus betray their own faith and betray Church and Christ. It seems that many of them are close to the ideas of Georg Wilhelm Hegel, who considered himself wiser and greater than all, also than Christ, and the thought of Friedrich Nietzsche, who wanted to replace the crucified Messiah with Dionysus – a patron of, among other things, debauchery. It seems that many of the faithful and clergy in Germany also want to carry out a sexual revolution in the Church as if the second Reformation, perhaps even more catastrophic than the first. It seems that they are putting gender theory in place of Revelation and Christianity. And gender is, in fact, another neo-Marxist pansexual ideology which elevates eroticism as if it were the most important value, more important especially than God and one’s own salvation. One has to ask, how could such a great spiritual catastrophe of a Church that was once so numerous, so strong, so faithful and creative? We must ask what to do so that no more Church would destroy itself so that such a spiritual disease would not spread to other Churches. This article tries to answer these fundamental questions. It does so by analyzing the cultural, historical, national, economic, spiritual and religious conditions of German society that led to such an advanced process of self-destruction of the Church.deAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/Synodal WayGerman Synodal WayChristianity in Europecrisis of the Churchself-destruction of the German Churchnecessary reforms in the Catholic ChurchChurchCatholic ChurchGermanyChurch in GermanycrisistraditionpopescardinalsclergypriesthoodChristianityEuropedroga synodalnaniemiecka droga synodalnachrześcijaństwo w Europiekryzys Kościołasamozniszczenie Kościoła niemieckiegokonieczne reformy w Kościele katolickimKościółKościół katolickiNiemcyKościół w NiemczechkryzystradycjapapieżekardynałowieduchowieństwokapłanichrześcijaństwoEuropaChristentum in EuropaKirchenkriseKircheDeutschlandKirche in DeutschlandKlerusChristentumDie Katastrophe der deutschen Kirche als höchste Alarmstufe für die gesamte WeltkircheThe Catastrophe of the German Church as the Highest Level of Alert for the Whole World ChurchArticle