Dzierżanowska-Peszko, Joanna2024-08-012024-08-012008Studia Teologiczno-Historyczne Śląska Opolskiego, 2008, T. 28, s. 275-287.0137-3420 Frankl (1905-1997) represents the existential direction in a psychology. He described a specific type of neurosis called ‘noogenic neurosis’ which appears in a human life with a complete emptiness of purpose in life. According to Frankl’s theory the main human motivation is the ‘will to meaning’ The existential frustration in a human life is caused by a lack of a meaning or purpose in life. That situation may lead to psychopathology. There is a relationship between the purpose of life and values. This paper presents characteristics of fundamental qualities of noetic dimension personality (spirituality, freedom, responsibility), the problem of values and needs in a human life.plAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Polandścisens życianooteoriaegzystencjaegzystencja osobymiejsce wartości w ludzkiej egzystencjipoczucie sensu życiażycieżycie ludzkiepsychologypsychologiavaluessense of lifenootheoryexistenceexistence of personplace of values in human existencesense of purpose in lifelifehuman lifeViktor Emil FranklRola wartości i poczucie sensu życia w ujęciu nooteorii V.E. FranklaThe role of values and meaning of life in the depiction of V.E. Frankl’s nootheoryArticle