Tyrakowski, Marek2024-10-282024-10-282010Studia Ełckie, 2010, T. 12, s. 317-328.1896-6896https://theo-logos.pl/handle/123456789/22678One of the models of the widely known concessionary financing of the churches and the religious unions are pecuniary gains guaranteed by the home finances. The problem still arises and rouses a certain manner of doubt and discussion. The fundamental pecuniary gains and religious unions are among the others: tax exemptions, private donations and demises based on the corporate income tax act, the church fund and custom- house duty exemptions.plCC-BY-NC-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Bez utworów zależnychprawolawprawo finansowefinancial lawfinansefinanceFundusz KościelnyChurch FundKościółChurchmajątek kościelnyChurch propertyfinanse kościelneChurch financeszwiązki wyznaniowereligious associationsprawo podatkowefiscal lawpodatkitaxeszwolnienie podatkowetax remissiondziałalność KościołaChurch activitiesPodstawowe preferencje finansowe związane z działalnością Kościołów i związków wyznaniowychFundamental Pecuniary Gains Connected with the Discretionary Activities of the Churches and the Religious UnionsArticle