Tutak, M. J.Wielebski, T.2023-03-072023-03-072011Roczniki Teologiczne Warszawsko-Praskie, 2011, t. 7, s. 141-199.1643-4870http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/4738Political-social and cultural changes after 1989 pose a number of challenges for the Church in Poland. She has to learn new methods and forms of activity in a pluralistic society, building a model of pastoral work adjusted to the fast changing reality and responsive to contemporary callings. Building such a model should be preceded by a scientific diagnosis of the existing situation, with the help of sociological research (LG 62). The Centre for Social Survey OPINION [OPINIA] of the Institute of Statistics of the Catholic Church SAC in 2010 conducted research of social-religious attitudes of the inhabitants of the Warszawa-Praga Diocese. The authors of the article attempted a synthetic approach of the study’s outcome and, in keeping with the shown tendencies, suggested pastoral activities on three levels of the Church’s life: on the level of a parish, deanery and region, and diocese. They devoted most attention to the parish, because, while in need o f constant renewal, [it] continues to maintain and to carry out its particular mission, which is indispensable and o f great relevance for pastoral care and the life o f the Church (EinE 15). The attempt to identify long-term pastoral activities on the basis of the research of religiosity follows a call made by Lineamenta for XIII General Assembly of the 2012 Synod of Bishops on the New Evangelisation. The document urges to read and understand the new social, cultural, economic, political and religious contexts and then to face new challenges which are putting accepted practices in question and are weakening customary, wellestablished ways of doing things, and thus obliging the whole Church to reflect on the meaning of her actions aimed at the teaching and transmission of faith (3; 6). The proposals for action presented in the article are to become a starting point for discussion in various circles of diocese, taking the conclusions from the conducted studies and undertaking long-term measures according to the analyses.plAttribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/pl/diecezjediecezja warszawsko-praskareligijnośćwiernibadaniabadania religijnościdiocesesreligiousnessfaithfulresearchresearch on religiosityWnioski i postulaty pastoralne z badań religijności mieszkańców diecezji warszawsko-praskiejConclusions and pastoral postulates from the research on religiosity of the inhabitants of the Warszawa-Praga dioceseArticle