Stala, Józef2024-07-302024-07-302005Studia Teologiczno-Historyczne Śląska Opolskiego, 2005, T. 25, s. 359-368.83-60244-18-9 the general characteristic of selective activities of Tarnów diocese between the second World War and the second Vatican Council in favor of the engagement of the family into catechesis points out that many important elements has appeared. Many of these catechetical proposals have not lost its relevance today and may be the starting point in favor of stirring the family catechesis activity. Let’s remind a few: – During the time of Polish People’s Republic, Bishop J. Stepa defended the family, as educational, catechetical and ecclesial community. – Interesting proposals in favor of active operations of Catechetical Department in Tarnów, for organizing the structures enabling the existence of the family catechesis, given by Fr. P. Bednarczyk. – Bishop K. Pękala initiatives of connecting the parish catechesis and religious education at schools in order of better sacramental initiation of school children. The Second Vatican Council has given proper rank for the family catechesis. In the Tarnów Church the interest was not only marginal, but has presented very important element of the activities for more than hundred years.plAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland tarnowskarodzinakatechizacjaII wojna światowawojnasobór watykański IIsobórkomunizmwychowaniewspólnotaPRLJan StepabiskupiPiotr Bednarczykkatecheza rodzinnażycie sakramentalneKarol Pękalasakramentydiocesesdiocese of TarnówfamilycatechizationWorld War IIwarcouncilSecond Vatican CouncilVatican IIcommunismupbringingcommunitybishopsfamily catechesissacramental lifesacramentskatechezacatechesisPropozycje diecezji tarnowskiej na rzecz zaangażowania rodziny w dzieło katechizacji w okresie pomiędzy II wojną światową a Soborem Watykańskim IIThe Tarnów Church proposals in favor of the engagement of the family into catechetical work between the second world war and the second Vatican CouncilArticle